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GT Super Series Race Report - Round 9 of 10

Qualifying Race - 10 Laps

1st MrC Sparta 5:46.893 Best Lap 0:33.897

2nd Luke Carmona -0:00.576 Best Lap 0:33.133

3rd Jesus Crisp -0:03.998 Best Lap 0:33.514

4th Tzubaja -0:06.002 Best Lap 0:33.634

5th HerrRabe -0:06.134 Best Lap 0:34.051

6th nicolitaaax -0:06.287 Best Lap 0:34.045

DNF EliBenett -8 laps Best Lap 0:36.220

Fastest Race Lap: Luke Carmona Lap 3 0:33.133

RACE - 55 Laps

1st Luke Carmona 31:42.936 Best Lap 0:32.839

2nd Tzubaja -0:32.252 Best Lap 0:33.552

3rd Jesus Crisp -0:32.986 Best Lap 0:33.443

4th MrC Sparta -1 laps Best Lap 0:33.500

5th HerrRabe -1 laps Best Lap 0:33.741

DNF EliBenett -34 laps Best Lap 0:33.445

DNF nicolitaaax -38 laps Best Lap 0:33.666

Fastest Race Lap: Luke Carmona Lap 46 0:32.839

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